you can be any verhsion of yourself!
so let's make it the best one!
Clio Aite
Hello, I'm Clio and I am a History Professor (it's my real job)! I like to focus on history and
strategy gaming, and challenging myself in silly ways. I like talking about history and creating
educational content such as History lectures on stream!

Hanya Hana
Hi I'm Hanya, a homunculus bar owner! I am a hyperactive ball of energy whose daily struggle is
learning to breathe. I love horror games and a good challenge! but you will often find me soaking
in nostalgia behind a microphone during a karaoke stream!
Jean Faymas
Hi I'm Jean Faymas but please just call me Jets! I’m a tomboy mecha pilot with very bubbly/genki energy. My main focus is retro and sci-fi video games. I’m a bit clumsy and scatter-brained but I always try my best!

Mako Fukasame
Heya, I'm Mako! As a wobbegong shark I'm a little shy and tend to stay hidden, but I step into the spotlight on Twitch! Join me in educating the world and I'll take you under my fin as a student.